1/3rd Lived-Out
With my 25th birthday looming unsettlingly on the horizon, I am being forced to take stock. (The running-away option fell at the first hurdle- no money for a plane ticket!) Today it dawned on me that if I'm lucky I am already a third of the way through my life.
So far I have primarily taken the "sit back and see what happens" approach to life. Which hasn't served me badly to be honest - (i think God likes me) - I've always had amazing people around me, learnt a few things (often several times), done quite a lot of random fun stuff (emphasis on random- definitely accumulating enough crazy stories for my autobiography "Never Famous")... But I can't really think of one thing that I've achieved that I'm really proud of. (aside: is this kind of pride bad? wait- are there types of pride?...) Which is a bit scary because I'd always hoped and assumed that by the time I was cold and grey I'd have a whole collection of things to look back on to give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Anyway, all of a sudden I'm feeling all assertive- in a fear-driven sort of way... Waiting for things to fall into my lap is a stupid way to get things done - so I'm making a little list of things that I want to do in the next year- hopefully at least one of them will come off.
So (number one!) - If you're of the praying kind, sarah and I are starting to put plans together to make our choir for out-of-work-actors a proper organised, advertised, schabang on a larger scale with a pro MD with a view to doing termly concerts. For this we need to pray in; an MD, £40 a week to pay MD, money to pay transcribers (or transcribers who'll do it for free), free photocopying (this is the toughy!), and a venue. I am staring at these hurdles ready to give up but Sarah is assuring me that it's do-able. And she should know- she is a get-up-and-do-er.
So far I have primarily taken the "sit back and see what happens" approach to life. Which hasn't served me badly to be honest - (i think God likes me) - I've always had amazing people around me, learnt a few things (often several times), done quite a lot of random fun stuff (emphasis on random- definitely accumulating enough crazy stories for my autobiography "Never Famous")... But I can't really think of one thing that I've achieved that I'm really proud of. (aside: is this kind of pride bad? wait- are there types of pride?...) Which is a bit scary because I'd always hoped and assumed that by the time I was cold and grey I'd have a whole collection of things to look back on to give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Anyway, all of a sudden I'm feeling all assertive- in a fear-driven sort of way... Waiting for things to fall into my lap is a stupid way to get things done - so I'm making a little list of things that I want to do in the next year- hopefully at least one of them will come off.
So (number one!) - If you're of the praying kind, sarah and I are starting to put plans together to make our choir for out-of-work-actors a proper organised, advertised, schabang on a larger scale with a pro MD with a view to doing termly concerts. For this we need to pray in; an MD, £40 a week to pay MD, money to pay transcribers (or transcribers who'll do it for free), free photocopying (this is the toughy!), and a venue. I am staring at these hurdles ready to give up but Sarah is assuring me that it's do-able. And she should know- she is a get-up-and-do-er.
At 2:05 AM,
rach said…
Happy half-way to 50!!
Stress not - it will all be fine
At 3:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can't believe we never actually did this! We need a new plan x
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