The New Adventures of Miss Katerina Juan

Monday, June 19, 2006

BUDS (wassssssssssup)

Emma and I were whinging in the car the other day (nothing new there) about the current (volcanic) state of our faces , dangerously expanding condition of our overdrafts (not to mention beer-bellies) and the spectacular lack of success in our current career/relationship plans.
We have therefore formed a small but elite group which we are naming the Broke Ugly and Disillusioned Society (BUDS). Perhaps we makeshift band of mega-losers will take on the criminals of the metropolis with secret identities like Lardy Girl, Thrift or The Loser-er. Having no super powers whatsoever and breaking into a sweat just from walking to the bus stop WILL NOT STOP US.... NO! We will show who's boss to criminals such as chewing-gum-leaver-ers and people who toot their horns after 11 by tutting loudly and complaining about them in the pub.
Or perhaps we'll just pick our spots and go to bed.


  • At 9:07 AM, Blogger Tom Wade said…

    That sounds EXACTLY like the sort of group I would like to be part of - I think i fulfill much of the criteria - I'm very much broke, I'm oh so ugly and disilusioned about many things... Can I join?!

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Kate John said…

    Tom- certainly. What is your secret (so secret it's on the web) superhero name?


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