The New Adventures of Miss Katerina Juan

Monday, June 19, 2006

BUDS (wassssssssssup)

Emma and I were whinging in the car the other day (nothing new there) about the current (volcanic) state of our faces , dangerously expanding condition of our overdrafts (not to mention beer-bellies) and the spectacular lack of success in our current career/relationship plans.
We have therefore formed a small but elite group which we are naming the Broke Ugly and Disillusioned Society (BUDS). Perhaps we makeshift band of mega-losers will take on the criminals of the metropolis with secret identities like Lardy Girl, Thrift or The Loser-er. Having no super powers whatsoever and breaking into a sweat just from walking to the bus stop WILL NOT STOP US.... NO! We will show who's boss to criminals such as chewing-gum-leaver-ers and people who toot their horns after 11 by tutting loudly and complaining about them in the pub.
Or perhaps we'll just pick our spots and go to bed.

Kate does sport

Just discovered Top Golf. I know it's so last year.
Was lots of fun. I totally sucked.

Birthday Surprise (Surprise)

Very excited.
In March Rob bought me tickets to go see AVENUE Q for my birthday.
Completely forgot about this and have been looking longingly at the posters on the tube.
(sarah thinks i have early-onset senility)
Going tomorrow night... hooro hooras hoorat hooramus hooratis hoorant! (hooray!)